Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sometimes I just don't think!

I answered a request from a fellow online quilter for a block representing my state. Then the world turned upside down. I brought all the supplies with me to my Mom's and yesterday I got to work on my Kansas block.

So, after working all day, here it is!

Then I went to the message board to contact her and send her a preview picture before mailing.

OMG! Her original request was for an 8 1/2 inch block.

I made a 12 1/2 inch block.......

So, I went to the cutting mat and trimmed it down.. I could only get it to 9 inches without trimming off the petal points, dumb, dumb, dumb....

Then, after trimming it, I realized that my orginal design was going to have the sunflower offset anyway, where only part of the flower was on the block and the inking on the lower corner, but...too late, I already trimmed it centered.. I could just kick myself today.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

1 comment:

  1. hate to say it, but use it for something else. its so pretty. make her a new one if you can bear it
    iamchickenfoot at yahoo dot com
